Maintenance Checklist For Spring

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Maintenance Checklist For Spring

With spring just around the corner, it is time to consider the condition of your HVAC system. When was the last time a technician inspected it? When was the last time your heating unit was tuned up? If the answer is, before Thanksgiving, it is time to call a technician who will review the maintenance checklist and find out where your HVAC unit stands.

  • Filters: The technician will remove and clean your filters. If too much debris can’t be removed, he will recommend replacing the filters. Ideally, the filter should be cleaned every 2-3 months. We offer HVAC installation Fort Worth.
  • Electrical Connections: Checking electrical wires is a must during inspections. Exposed wires can easily shock you while touching the unit. They can also lead to severe problems like a power failure or short circuit.
  • Evaporator and Condenser Coils: Evaporator and condenser coils can get cracked or broken because of regular wear and tear. Additionally, these can also get clogged with dust because of periodic cleaning. Clogged coils reduce your unit’s lifespan and increase electricity bills.
  • Thermostat: Inspecting thermostats is a must because a problem in the thermostat can rapidly increase your home’s chances of overheating or underheating.
  • Oiling: To keep all moving parts moving smoothly, they require oiling. Without lubricant, these parts can suffer damage due to repeated friction.
  • Connections: To prevent fire hazards, gas, oil, and burner connections should be checked often. An incorrect or broken relationship can be a health hazard too.

What Happens If You Don’t Call a Technician?

While calling a technician for issues is always recommended, many people often choose the DIY route. While this may seem cost-effective, it can cause much damage in the long run. For example, without professionals providing tune-ups and repairs, you might require a heating replacement Fort Worth sooner than expected. Here are the most common problems you’ll suffer if you don’t call a technician:

  • Health Issues: When a filter isn’t cleaned regularly, it becomes clogged with dust and is a feeding ground for bacteria and germs. These then spew out every time you turn on the unit. This can easily lead to health issues like fevers and colds, increased allergic reactions, and even breathing problems.
  • Electricity Issues: If electrical connections inside the unit aren’t checked regularly, they can quickly become broken. It can lead to short circuits and unit breakdowns or shock you when you touch the team. In the long run, the unit will have reduced efficiency, reflecting your energy bill.
  • Further HVAC Issues: The longer you postpone calling a technician, the more problems you’ll have. A lack of maintenance could end up damaging the unit or causing it to break down. This means higher costs, eventually leading to your HVAC unit’s shorter lifespan.

Our NSG Heating and Air Specialists, LLC. experts are at your service. We’re a professional HVAC service that is completely customer-centric. We provide excellent furnace service Fort Worth TX that is affordable and quick.

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